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Commercial tyre processing plant An early variant of the technology has been implemented in a tyre-processing plant in Slovakia since 2001. The technology was developed and improved in cooperation with the commercial plant. The plant is using pyrolysis without catalyst and not the thermo-catalytic cracking method developed and perfected later. Basic facts: Yearly processing capacity: […]
The Plastic Solution’s mission is to reduce the plastic waste mountain and to stop further pollution by stimulating global plastic waste collection and recycling. We will do this while providing healthy financial returns for partners and investors. The Concept The technology was developed by Austrian Scientists with manufacturing in Norway. The strategy involves partnering with established tier […]
PAR Can also offer a BIO Mass Solution, sawdust, tree bark, windfall, peat, vegetable residues or other biomass materials. . Collected waste is shredded and fed into our machine to produce BIO Heating Oil for use in Homes and Commercial buildings. BIO Petrol or Bio Diesel is like Kerosene, but it is a Biofuel, this […]
PLASTERBOARD WASTE TREATMENT AND RECOVERY PLANT GENERAL FRAMEWORK This is a plant for the treatment and recovery of gypsum-waste, arising from construction and demolition or the production process. Waste material is reduced to dust and separated from foreign bodies: paper, metal nets or plastics and support iron, realising an (SRM) Secondary Raw Material. The output […]
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