The world is drowning in plastic – a material that through over use and poor recycling practices has become a scourge on the planet.
PAR has the drive, vision and has identified the technology to tackle this problem head on. It will deliver a substantial profit to investors whilst supporting the U.N.’s 17 Sustainable Development Goals to influence corporate strategy between now and 2030.
PAR has a genuine and profitable solution to the disposal and reduction in the plastic waste that is a blight on our planet, created by our generation.
The Plastic Solution (TPS) is designed to tackle one of planet Earth’s greatest ecological threats. Globally, plastic waste is destroying our oceans and marine life. The world’s current recycling and landfills cannot cope with the 250 million tonnes of plastic waste produced each year. Methods of disposal are inadequate, harmful to the environment and contributing to the deterioration and well-being of all life forms on the planet. China and India are the first countries to ban the importation of plastic waste from other nations due to the volume and inability to police and treat its harmful and hazardous condition thereby creating an impasse with the world’s waste processing.
TPS is a concept designed by the Norwegian Company. Its mission is to increase global plastic waste collection at source by partnering with environmental organizations and existing waste management companies and building stand-alone plastic recycling plants. These plants will host profit generating recycling technologies to turn plastic waste into a sustainable marine fuel to service the requirements of the International Maritime Organisation’s changes to legislation in 2020. This scalable plastic-to-fuel (PTF) solution has been developed and will be delivered initially by a supplier from within the E.U. The entire generated profit from this recycling will be used to purchase collected plastic waste thereby creating a healthy recycling value. PAR aims to process the unsuitable plastic waste being incinerated, dumped in landfills and stockpiled with no plan nor purpose.
Thanks to this plan a considerable positive impact on the environment as set out in the U.N.’s 17 Sustainable Development Goals to influence corporate strategy between now and 2030 will be seen and investors will have healthy profits from sustainable business. PAR and the Norwegian manufacturer have built a diverse team of professionals from the world of business, of industry, politics, civil and military services, international environmental and non-governmental Organisation’s to bring this worthwhile mission in to being. At a time in the Earth’s evolution when human beings attitude to the challenges facing the environment is proving ineffective, the solutions to the plastic scourge in existence are so far failing in purpose and results. PAR on the other hand is emerging as a genuine answer and profitable solution to the disposal and drastic reduction in plastic waste that is a blight on our landscapes and drowning our oceans
The Goal is to have these modular solutions established globally where the need arises creating pocket communities earning money by clearing beaches, taking the waste from the oceans before it becomes molecular plastic, and clean up our planet, then redirect all waste to suitable plants where it has a value and produces a commodity that is running out
Plastic to plastic recycling is excellent, there is however an element of waste that does not meet the criteria to recycle in that way, PAR and our Norwegian manufacturer can resolve that.